Trademarks and brands are
invaluable business assets created through marketing and years of
customer goodwill. A trademark can help protect your intangible business
asset and ensure that
it is not copied or used by others without permission. With LEDGERS, you
can now easily track
the status of all your trademark applications and monitor identical or
similar trademark
applications made by competitors using one easy-to-use online platform.
Trademark Search
Search the Trademark Database with a powerful search engine
that quickly searches across all
45 classes. Manually searching for brand names across
classes can take hours or require
professional assistance. With LEDGERS, you can quickly
search through millions of trademark
application data to find identical or similar brands in no
Track Status
Monitor and track the status of one or multiple trademark
applications with regular status
updates. Stay informed about your trademark application
status and get insights directly on our
Easily monitor and identify trademark applications for
brands or business names that are similar
or identical to your trademark across all 45 classes.
Prevent registration of identical or similar
applications by quickly identifying infringement and filing
Receive renewal alerts for registered trademarks to ensure
timely renewal and continued
protection of your brands. Never miss a renewal deadline
with our automated alerts.
Peace of Mind
Ensure the
protection of your brand by staying informed about
applications and potential infringements of registered
trademarks. Our platform provides real-
time updates and alerts, allowing you to act swiftly
against any unauthorized use of your
Cost Savings
Reduce legal and
administrative costs associated with trademark
LEDGERS offers an affordable solution to monitor and
manage trademarks effectively, helping
you avoid expensive legal battles and potential
User-Friendly Interface
Navigate our
intuitive platform with ease. LEDGERS is designed for
simplicity and user convenience, ensuring you can manage
your trademarks without any
technical expertise.
Comprehensive Coverage
Access a
vast database of trademark applications across all 45
classes. Our powerful search engine ensures thorough
coverage, leaving no stone unturned in
protecting your brand.
Legal Assistance
access to free consultations with our trademark
attorneys. LEDGERS
helps you identify potential threats early, consult
trademark professionals, and take necessary
actions to safeguard your business assets.
Save time
and resources with our comprehensive search and
monitoring tools.
LEDGERS streamlines the trademark search and monitoring
process, eliminating the need for
manual searches or professional assistance.
Trademark Search & Monitoring Platform is a
powerful software tool that enables
businesses to
easily search, monitor, and protect their
trademarks across all 45 classes. It helps
continuously monitor their business names
and brands for infringement.
The trademark search function uses a
powerful search engine to quickly search
through millions of trademark application
data across
all 45 classes. This saves time and reduces
the need for professional assistance in
identical or similar brands.
Yes, you can monitor and track the
status of one or multiple trademark
applications with regular status updates
directly on the
LEDGERS platform. This keeps you informed
about the progress and status of your
The platform helps you monitor
and identify trademark applications for
brands or business names that are similar or
identical to
your trademark across all 45 classes. This
allows you to quickly identify infringement
and take
necessary actions, such as filing
Yes, LEDGERS provides renewal alerts for
registered trademarks to ensure timely
renewal and continued protection of your
brands. This
helps you avoid missing renewal deadlines.
The platform
ensures the protection of your brand by
keeping you informed about trademark
applications and
potential infringements. Real-time updates
and alerts allow you to act swiftly against
unauthorized use of your trademarks.
LEDGERS reduces legal
and administrative costs associated with
trademark management by offering an
solution to monitor and manage trademarks
effectively. This helps you avoid expensive
battles and potential losses.
Yes, the platform is designed with a
interface, making it easy to navigate and
manage your trademarks without any technical
Yes, the platform offers
comprehensive coverage by accessing a vast
database of trademark applications across
all 45
classes. The powerful search engine ensures
thorough coverage to protect your brand.
Yes, LEDGERS provides access to free
consultations with trademark attorneys. This
helps you identify potential threats early,
with professionals, and take necessary
actions to safeguard your business assets.
LEDGERS streamlines the trademark search
and monitoring process, saving time and
resources by eliminating the need for manual
or professional assistance.
Key benefits include peace of mind, cost
savings, user-friendly interface,
comprehensive coverage, access to legal
assistance, and enhanced efficiency in
Completely integrated suite of cloud-based tools to help
you with invoicing, payments, accounting, inventory management, payroll, GST compliance and